Conferentie “Groundwater Pollution” (Luik)

  • Extern evenement (publiek)
  • Gepubliceerd op 09.09.2019
  • Georganiseerd op 09.09.2019
  • Grondwater

Overall theme and aims

Between 1950 and 2050 the global population will have increased significantly, from 2.5 to 10 billion inhabitants. The urban population is expected to be two thirds, up from one third a century ago. The consequence is a greater urban spread into rural environments and increased pressure on natural resources, including groundwater in these transition areas. The conference theme, Groundwater quality in the transition between rural and urban environments, will focus on the need to protect, manage, repair and sustain groundwater quality in these growing urbanized environments.

The conference will bring together researchers, industry, regulators, contractors, consultants, planners and water supply agencies to address the important issues related to groundwater quality in this context.
